The Basic Level is simple. Tip MOKURU over gently, and it will flip. Once you get the hang of it, you can get creative and start inventing your own unique tricks! Check out the videos below for some tricks and examples of the different mastery levels - Basic, Advanced and Expert!
SQUARE: Flip MOKURU at four points to draw a square.
TRIANGLE: Flip MOKURU at three points to draw a triangle.
FLIP & HOLD: Use one finger to flip MOKURU from left to right. Catch and hold it on your hand after you flip MOKURU.
FLIP & KISS: Use one MOKURU to flip another MOKURU from left to right or up and down.
BIG SQUARE: Use two MOKURU to create squares with both hands.
AIR TRAPEZE: Use one finger to flip MOKURU from left to right. Catch and hold it on your hand after you flip MOKURU. Turn it 360 degrees and make it stand up straight.
TWIN: Use two MOKURU and move them in tandem with one hand.
FIVE MOVES: Use five MOKURU and move them in tandem with one hand. Balancing each MOKURU is an exceptionally difficult challenge!
VERSUS: On a large table, flip the MOKURU back and forth between one another.
MARATHON: With three or more friends, keep flipping the MOKURU down the table continuously.